Socio-architectural research services
Decorative photographic view of the top of a skyscraper, from its base, looking up through latticed glazing.

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Copyright Rod A Hunter

Services provided

Hunarch Consulting offers research and report services in relation to the building industry, architecture and architectural practice, including:

  1. Socio-economic and regulatory impact assessments
  2. Consumer satisfaction surveys
  3. Consumer attitude surveys
  4. Design brief preparation and advice
  5. Post-occupancy evaluations
  6. Building occupancy and utilisation studies
  7. Market potential appraisals
Completed Research
  1. Building Control Commission
    Survey of building dispute practitioners in relation to domestic building disputes.
  2. Bushfire Preparedness 1
    Survey of building dispute practitioners in relation to domestic building disputes.
  3. Bushfire Preparedness 2
    Research proposals to Emergency Management Australia, supported by the Australian Building Codes Board, study of residents’ behaviour and coping strategies at dwellings threatened by bushfire.
  4. Telstra Corporation
    Surveys of Telstra shareholders having a disability, in relation to the Telstra share floats 1 and 2.
  5. Australian Building Codes Board
    Socio-economic impact assessments related to proposed changes to the Building Code of Australia concerning access for persons with a disability (part of the Regulatory Impact Statement requirements under the Council of Australian Governments following the joint work of the Australian Building Codes Board, the Commonwealth Attorney Generals Office and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission).
  6. ACROD
    Survey of teaching and research in Australian universities and other tertiary educational institutions on environmental accessibility for people with a disability.
  7. Lyons architects
    Design briefing in relation to access for people with a disability in terms of the Disability Discrimination Act.
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