Market potential appraisals
Decorative photographic view of the top of a skyscraper, from its base, looking up through latticed glazing.

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Copyright Rod A Hunter

Hunarch Consulting will carry out market potential appraisals of products and services with regard to existing and latent market demand, competing products and services, fitness-for-purpose, and regulatory and other code requirements.

  • Technical appraisals
  • Regulatory conformance appraisals
  • Consumer demand appraisals
  • Competitors

    Completed projects

  • Ajax Marble and Granite

    Advice on feasibility of proposed manufacturing technique to produce Tactile Ground Surface Indicators from natural stone.
    (See also legal opinion on tactile pedestrian surface indicators).
  • McPhersons Australia

    Advice on feasibility of importing a major manufacturing plant and producing a broad range of building products.
  • Pratt and Company Foil board manufacturer

    Advice on market potential for phenolic foam insulation and ceiling sheets in building construction.